Saturday, July 17, 2010


Question #1: If you were Garvey and/or Edwin, why would you want to help Cole? In the means of helping him heal, showing him how to do certain things, and taking precious time out of your schedule, for a person like Cole.

Answer #1: If I was Garvey I would want to help Cole, for a few reasons. A, because I'm a parole officer and it's a responsibility that comes with my job. B, I did bad things when I was a young kid like Cole, and I didn't like seeing another go through the same thing, and I know I can do something to help the cause. C, my last reason would be, because of my job as a parole officer, I've seen a lot of troubled kids. But Cole would have been the worst kid I've seen because, he was on his way to jail. If I was Edwin, I would help Cole, because I am wise. By being a wise person, they usually share their wisdom, and that's what I would do.


"If I saw a Spirit Bear, I'd kill it," Cole said.Edwin tightened his grip as if in warning. "Whatever you do to the animals, you do to yourself. Remember that." Touching Spirit Bear; Page 18; By: Ben Mikaelsen.

Question #2: If you were Cole's father, William Matthews, how would you feel if your son called you out on being a horrible father, in front of the whole entire Circle Justice? Also what would you do?

Answer #2: Well if I was William Matthews, I would be so embarrassed, and be furious. Basically I would have mixed emotions all at once. I would have broken down right in the middle of the room, crying, and admitting what I had did. Also I would say this..."I realize that my horrid actions, is why my son is the way he is."


It was the next voice that made Cole explode. His father held the feather, toying with it in his fingers. "We've always wanted the best for Cole," he said. "His mother and I have devoted our lives to him, but he---"

"That's bull!" Cole shouted suddenly, although he wasn't holding the feather. "You drink until you can't stand up, and you're gone all the time. A devoted parent doesn't whip his kid until a shirt can't hide all the bruises!" Touching Spirit Bear; Page 46; By: Ben Mikaelsen.

Question #3: If you had a voice,- in this particular situation, and if it mattered. What would you say and why?

Answer #3: This is what I would say if my opinion mattered." Cole has done some terrible things throughout out his life. For example almost killing Peter Driscal, and that's what put him in this situation that he is in now...the road to jail. That incident was a wake up call for everyone, even Cole. We can't rewind time, so where Peter wouldn't be in this condition. But there is something we can do, we can change Cole so he can have a second chance, a better life, and this is one less time something like this will happen in our community. So I think Cole Matthews should go into the Circle Justice program, and stay on a remote island, for a entire year."


"Occasionally an elder would check on him. What makes banishment work is the extreme isolation. It allows the offender to spend a long period free of all friends, drugs, alcohol, and other influences that have gotten them into trouble. It's a time for them to think." Touching Spirit Bear;Page 56; By: Ben Mikaelsen.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


1. My first observation would have to be Cole's parents. His mom and dad are very imperious people, and they show they care about Cole in very bizarre ways. By being imperious I mean they have a lot of money, and have connections. Multiple times Cole's parents have gotten him out of police custody before the word got around, on what kind of person Cole was. They thought they were doing the right thing for Cole, by insisting Cole's removal from the custody of the police repeatedly. But actually that was just for them so were, their picture perfect fake life was ruined. This was mistake because Cole never had a real consequence for his horrific actions. A since he never had a real consequence, he just kept up his atrocious actions. What I learned from this is Cole's parents only cared about themselves, and by doing what they thought was the right things was actually the cause of Cole's actions, which was hurting his parents, himself, and other human beings around them.

What angered Cole the most after this latest arrest were his parents. In the past they had always come running with a lawyer, offering to pay damages and demanding his release. They had enough money and connections to move mountains. Besides, they had a reputation to protect. What parent wanted the world to know that their son was a juvenile delinquent? All Cole did was pretend he was sorry for a few days till things blew over. But that was how it had been in the past, before his parents got divorced.
Touching Spirit Bear, Page 8, By: Ben Mikaelsen

2. Throughout, at least half, of the book Cole has been accusing everyone else for his behaviors, along with his consequences. First he blames his parents because he is in police custody longer than he usually is. Then he blames his lawyer, and parents (again) because there is a tremendous chance of Cole being tried as an adult. My favorite would have to be is when Cole says this is all Peter's fault he is in this situation. Because if Peter would known how fight back, and defend himself , Cole would not even be in this predicament. But earlier in the book Cole knew that Peter had no chance against him. This was Cole's perspective, of the whole entire situation. What I learned from this is, Cole is not big enough to own up to what he did. But he is big enough to beat up on people.

Later, after school, Cole cornered Peter outside in the parking lot. With anger that had been brewing all day, he attacked him and starting hitting him hard in the face with his bare fits. Peter was no match, and soon Cole had pounded him bloody.
Touching Spirit Bear, Page 7, By: Ben Mikaelsen.

Cole figured he wouldn't even be here if Peter Driscal had known to fight back.
Touching Spirit Bear, Page 8, By: Ben Mikaelsen.

3. At the ending of the book, Peter Driscal and his parents come to the island, where Cole has been healing, and learning how to be a better person. Peter and his parents start to question, if Cole has really changed and became a better person. My observation is, how Cole is showing, meaning, and acting how he has truly changed. He has sympathy for Peter, and now he wants to help Peter heal, like he did, and he also wants Peter to forgive him. So my first observation in this area would be, Cole wants to help Peter get better. Second Cole showed, helped, and offered Peter on the island. Like with the totem pole, the ancestor rock, and being invisible to see the Spirit Bear. Third whenever Peter would make Cole angry, and upset, Cole didn't lash out like he would have a couple years back. Instead Cole would make a comment to himself, and let the anger pass. What I learnt form this is if you have good intentions for what lay ahead in the future, you may have a pebble in your way once and a while, but everything will work out fine, in the end. But if you have bad intentions for the future, it's not going to be an easy road. There's going to be pot-holes, that your going to get stuck in and it won't be easy getting out either. By that I mean if your like Cole-in the beginning of the book- you are eventually going to have a really bad life, which would be filled with hate, crime, and jail. But if you were like Cole- in the middle and ending of the book- in the future your life is more than likely, to be easier. Because you'll be spending your time living with people and having freedom, not being locked in a cage like an animal.

Cole figured he wouldn't even be here if Peter Driscal had known how to fight back. Instead, Peter was hospitalized. Doctors' reports warned he might suffer permanent damage. "Serves him right," Cole mumbled when he was first told of Peter's condition.
Touching Spirit Bear, Page 8, By: Ben Mikaelsen.

The final straw came when Cole returned from a walk alone around the bay. He found the bear carving on his totem destroyed. Someone had taken a hatchet and hacked the carving completely away. A familiar rage burned inside Cole. He confronted Peter in the cabin. "Why did you wreck my bear carving?". He tried to keep his voice clam
Peter shrugged. "You never really saw a Spirit Bear. Besides, what are you going to do to me? Beat me up again?" "No, I'm not going to beat you up. But can't you leave me alone?" "I suppose you've never done anything to me," Peter said bluntly. Garvey listened quietly. Cole had a sudden idea. "I know where there's another big log around the point that would make a good totem. If you want, we can drag it here for you to make your own totem." "Why would I want to do that?" "When you carve, it give you time to think."

Touching Spirit Bear, Page 228, By: Ben Mikaelsen