Question #1: If you were Garvey and/or Edwin, why would you want to help Cole? In the means of helping him heal, showing him how to do certain things, and taking precious time out of your schedule, for a person like Cole.
Answer #1: If I was Garvey I would want to help Cole, for a few reasons. A, because I'm a parole officer and it's a responsibility that comes with my job. B, I did bad things when I was a young kid like Cole, and I didn't like seeing another go through the same thing, and I know I can do something to help the cause. C, my last reason would be, because of my job as a parole officer, I've seen a lot of troubled kids. But Cole would have been the worst kid I've seen because, he was on his way to jail. If I was Edwin, I would help Cole, because I am wise. By being a wise person, they usually share their wisdom, and that's what I would do.
"If I saw a Spirit Bear, I'd kill it," Cole said.Edwin tightened his grip as if in warning. "Whatever you do to the animals, you do to yourself. Remember that." Touching Spirit Bear; Page 18; By: Ben Mikaelsen.
Question #2: If you were Cole's father, William Matthews, how would you feel if your son called you out on being a horrible father, in front of the whole entire Circle Justice? Also what would you do?
Answer #2: Well if I was William Matthews, I would be so embarrassed, and be furious. Basically I would have mixed emotions all at once. I would have broken down right in the middle of the room, crying, and admitting what I had did. Also I would say this..."I realize that my horrid actions, is why my son is the way he is."
It was the next voice that made Cole explode. His father held the feather, toying with it in his fingers. "We've always wanted the best for Cole," he said. "His mother and I have devoted our lives to him, but he---"
"That's bull!" Cole shouted suddenly, although he wasn't holding the feather. "You drink until you can't stand up, and you're gone all the time. A devoted parent doesn't whip his kid until a shirt can't hide all the bruises!" Touching Spirit Bear; Page 46; By: Ben Mikaelsen.
Question #3: If you had a voice,- in this particular situation, and if it mattered. What would you say and why?
Answer #3: This is what I would say if my opinion mattered." Cole has done some terrible things throughout out his life. For example almost killing Peter Driscal, and that's what put him in this situation that he is in now...the road to jail. That incident was a wake up call for everyone, even Cole. We can't rewind time, so where Peter wouldn't be in this condition. But there is something we can do, we can change Cole so he can have a second chance, a better life, and this is one less time something like this will happen in our community. So I think Cole Matthews should go into the Circle Justice program, and stay on a remote island, for a entire year."
"Occasionally an elder would check on him. What makes banishment work is the extreme isolation. It allows the offender to spend a long period free of all friends, drugs, alcohol, and other influences that have gotten them into trouble. It's a time for them to think." Touching Spirit Bear;Page 56; By: Ben Mikaelsen.
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